Massage of the Founder
Arabia Felix, had many obstacles to overcome prior to its formation as an NGO in 2019. At times, we were very close to admitting defeat. However, it was the bigger picture that kept bringing us back to fight for its creation. We couldn’t ignore the fact that millions of children are suffering with a lack of education, health care and sometimes, food. These kids are motivated and have big plans for their future, and we believe they shouldn’t obstructed from achieving their dreams due to circumstances out of their control.
As a result, on 15th June 2019, Arabia Felix was founded. The name translates to ‘’Fertile, Happy land’’. It refers to Yemen as a prosperous country, prior to the outbreak of war; a country who first introduced the world to coffee, a country where the oldest skyscraper is located. But in contrast, today, the country faces one of the worst crises in the world - thousands of schools, education centres, hospitals, food factories, medicine factories, and many archaeological sites, totally or partly damaged.
One child dies every ten minutes. 2 million kids are out of the school; and more than 3.5 million are at risk of dropping out. Early marriage for children (girls, in particular) has also increased at an alarming rate.
Today, Yemen no longer represents the ‘’Arabia Felix’’. The happy land, created over thousands of years, is slowly dying at the expense of this raging war.
Our aim is to support as many children as we can by returning them to education. Those kids are the future, the peacemakers, and at Arabia Felix, we believe that ‘Nothing stops a bullet like an educated child’.
Eliah Saeed
The Founder and president